Pertamina Distributes Hundreds of Mushaf Al-Qur’an

Pertamina Distributes Hundreds of Mushaf Al Quran
Pertamina Distributes Hundreds of Mushaf Al Quran English – The month of Ramadan is really optimized by Cilacap Pertamina Refinery by continuing to share with people who live around its operational area.

This time, General Manager of Cilacap Refinery, Joko Pranoto together with Regent of Cilacap, Tatto Suwarto Pamuji, symbolically distributed hundreds of Al-Qur’an mushaf, at Baiturrahim Mosque, Tuesday, April 27, 2021.

On that occasion, 100 orphans also received compensation from Pertamina.

A total of 200 Al-Qur’an mushaf were distributed to Islamic boarding schools and mosques in districts of Central Cilacap, Kesugihan and Maos.

Meanwhile, compensation for orphans was given to 5 orphanages, mosques and Islamic boarding schools in city of Cilacap.

According to Joko Pranoto, month of Ramadan is a reminder to increase spirit of sharing and generosity.

“Generosity and generosity is a clear example of Prophet Muhammad. Moreover, month of Ramadan is a month full of blessings, “he said when filling out tarawih cult.

Joko reminded four virtues for anyone who likes giving alms and sharing with others.

“Almsgiving will get multiple rewards, possessed more blessings and impossible to decrease, able to resist epidemics and disasters, and foster a sense of grace and a happy heart,” he said.

Therefore, he encouraged all Pertamina officers and families to increase sharing activities with neighbors and communities in need.

“During Ramadan, every afternoon we share 600 takjil packages in front of Donan and Mount Simping housing complexes. In addition, Ramadan Safari which is held every Wednesday afternoon is also filled with sharing assistance,” said Joko.

The Regent of Cilacap, Tatto Suwarto Pamuji, appreciated Pertamina concern for people of Cilacap.

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