Why, Cilacap.info Have an English Version?

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Cilacap.info English">CILACAP.INFO – Our news portal has English with hreflang World. So that it can be seen in United States, Malaysia, Singapore, so it not only in Indonesia.

The content on website has a distribution, if it hreflang Indonesia will reach Indonesia. And that in our opinion is not right.

Even automatic translate is not completely accurate, sometimes article contains pornographic writings. Even though we didn’t write it, we modeled word “Lesehan” Why into “Lesbian”. That is why automatic translate is not accurate and needs to be corrected.

Translate on internet is from robotorial, which means automatic translate. Although now it as sophisticated as translate tool, however, it has disadvantages.

We have determination to be known in outside world. Therefore, we are reluctant to say that our website is accessible worldwide.

In our opinion, if it is accessible, visitors in search engines will not know. Because as we have explained, that website has its own hreflang to reach every country.

Meanwhile, in Indonesia itself uses American English. And in every school, students are taught English.

So, American English with English United Kingdom is a little different.

We have a website with name of city, namely Cilacap with domain info. This means we also have to carry good name of our beloved city throughout country and even world.

While information means information, of course we provide best for community and readers. Kami berharap dan meminta support dari anda semuanya.


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