World Racers Participate Trail Motorcycle Racing Championship in Cilacap, These Are the Champions

photo 3 Rider win downtown prolougue hiu selatan hard enduro
photo 3 Rider win downtown prolougue hiu selatan hard enduro English – The 2024 South Shark Hard Enduro automotive sports event has officially started. The enthusiasm of the people of Cilacap to watch world riders compete is very high.

Seen since morning, the Cilacap Turtle Bay tourist area, which opened the downtown match, Friday (5/7/2024) has been packed with visitors.

One of the extreme Enduro racers, Graham Jarvis, also took the time to attend the 2024 Enduro South Shark event in Cilacap. However, he could not take part in the event due to a rib injury.

And the others are Alfredo Gomez Cantero from Spain, Teodor Kabakchiev from Bulgaria, Team Apollo from Germany joining the 2024 Southern Shark Hard Enduro event.

On this first day, hundreds of national and international riders are scheduled to compete in the Downtown Prologue at Teluk Turtle Beach, Cilacap. Friday (5/7/2024).

Downtown Prologue itself is one of the tracks that is usually held in the World Enduro Super Series.

However, in Indonesia, this track was first held at Teluk Turtle Beach, Cilacap, in the South Shark event.

Downtown was first held in Indonesia in Cilacap, but at WESS downtown it has become commonplace. “Downtown prioritizes the skills of the players here,” explained South Shark Founder Law Aguan

Law Aguan said, a total of 153 participants will compete for the championship in today’s Downtown Prologue session. Of the total number of participants, 71 of them were international riders.

Meanwhile, the other 82 are national racers who come from various regions in Indonesia such as Magelang, Semarang, Kalimantan and others.

“There were 153 national and international participants, 71 international racers and the rest national racers,” he said.

From the hundreds of racers, the 48 best riders will be selected to take part in the final.

One of the international racers, Mr March from Spain, expressed his excitement the first time he took part in the downtown prologue session at Teluk Turtle Beach, Cilacap.

He admitted that he had prepared himself and his vehicle to be able to take part in the session. “The track is really exciting, it’s really challenging,” he said.

The winners from the competition include:

Diamond Class:

1. Alfredo Gomez Cantero from Spain
2. Teodor Kabakchiev from Bulgaria
3. Team Apollo from Germany

Platinum Class:

1. Daryoush from Iran
2. Non Thanapath from Thailand
3. Toomtam Regae

Gold Class:

1. Deka Pratama from West Bandung
2. Herjuno Tri Nurhutomo from Magelang
3. Farel Huda from Kendal

Silver Class:

1. Delly from Cilacap
2. Ardan from Depok
3. F. Chimon from West Bandung

All 71 international racers will also take part in the competition at Quary Anugerah Bumi Cilacap, Bulupayung Village, Kesugihan District, Cilacap Regency for 2 days starting on 6-7 July 2024.

Cilacap Info

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