CILACAP, BERCAHAYA NEWS – Sufyan Tsauri Islamic High School (STAI) is back to hold a judiciary. This time students who took part in graduation were students of Sharia Department of Islamic Economics and Business Study Program (EBI) 21 students and Tarbiyah Department of Islamic Religious Education Study Program (PAI) 40 students and 12 students of Islamic Early Childhood Education (PIAUD).
The Yudisium, which was attended by 76 students, was held at STAI Sufyan Tsauri Hall 2nd Floor, Thursday (27/01/2022). The event, which started at 09.00 WIB, ran solemnly, smoothly and according to health protocols until 12.00 WIB.
It was seen that important officials of STAI Sufyan Tsauri were present at Yudisium event, starting from Head of STAI Sufyan Tsauri, Dr. H. Supriyanto, Lc, M.SI. Deputy Chair I for Academic Dr. H. Masngudi, MEI, Head of Islamic Economics and Business Study Program Doddi Afany Firdaus, M.SI, Head of Islamic Religious Education Study Program Kartika Wanojaleni, M.Ag, Head of Early Childhood Islamic Education Study Program Fitroh Qudsiyyah, M.Pd.I and all structural elements of STAI Sufyan Tsauri Majenang.
The head of STAI Sufyan Tsauri, Supriyanto in his speech conveyed a message to all students attending graduation that this graduation was not end of a struggle, but end of a process.
“Never be afraid of process, because behind end of process there will be many who welcome you,” said Mas Pri.
Furthermore, he also hopes that all students who take part in graduation will practice knowledge that has been obtained and must be able to give a good color to community, provide wisdom and benevolence to people wherever they are.
“Students graduated from STAI Sufyan Tsauri must be able to apply their knowledge, give color in midst of society, must be able to become agents of Islamic moderation, not just spectators,” explained chairman.
“Don’t let it be other way around, STAI Sufyan Tsauri alumni students are dragged by current, unable to give color and even colored by colors that are not in accordance with platform of religion, nation and STAI Sufyan Tsauri”,
“Finally, all alumni of STAI Sufyan Tsauri must be able to maintain good name of alma mater and make STAI Sufyan Tsauri proud,” he concluded.
After reading of Judiciary and determination of degree for graduating students; Judisium students from Islamic Economics and Business study program are entitled to hold a Bachelor of Economics (SE) and Students of Islamic Religious Education and Early Childhood Islamic Education are entitled to hold a Bachelor of Education (S.Pd) degree.
The Yudisium event was closed by giving certificates to 24 best graduates consisting of Islamic Economics and Business Study Program 9 Students, Islamic Religious Education 7 Students and Early Childhood Education 8 Students and ends with a prayer.