Ever called Mystical Place, Here it is, Sendang Seruni Tourism in Banyuwangi

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BANYUWANGI, Cilacap.info English – KKN in Desa Penari ever a Trending Topic. Horror stories, which are said to be written from true stories, make netizens become Searching for Place.

Netizens began to match villages in Banyuwangi, East Java, which was used as a Community Service Program by 14 Student Students from University X. Which in 2009 Real Work Lecture (KKN) resulted in two victims named Pseudo Bima and Ayu.

Related to this, Cilacap.info English">CILACAP.INFO – only wants to explore a tourism site called Sendang Seruni. This began with story of KKN in Penari Village, which made Cilacap.info English">CILACAP.INFO – search for Spring in Banyuwangi via Search Engine.

Sendang in Banyuwangi can mean “Situ” in Sundanese or reservoir in Indonesian and it can also be a small lake.

Not related to KKN in Penari Village, but from Cilacap.info English">CILACAP.INFO – monitoring, Sendang Seruni is also closest to Mount Raung or Ijen Mountains besides Rowo Bayu. Although Rowo Bayu if traced from Google Maps is indeed closer to Mount Raung.

Under foothills of Raung and Ijen mountains and area closest to mountain besides Rowo Bayu, it is inevitable that area around Sendang Seruni that enters Tamansari Licin Village is quite cold.

The water in Sendang Seruni comes from a spring from Ijen mountains, on right and left side there is a waterfall that Sundanese people say is Curug. In addition, there is a river in Sendang Seruni (there is a waterfall there is usually a river).

Sendang Seruni, he said, was recently opened to public and became a tourist attraction and was also used for camp.

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