Puan Maharani Inaugurates Retention basin Sumingkir in Cilacap

Puan Maharani and Cilacap Regent Tatto Suwarto Pamuji
Puan Maharani and Cilacap Regent Tatto Suwarto Pamuji

Cilacap.info English">CILACAP.INFO – Chairman of DPR RI, Puan Maharani, inaugurated Sumingkir Embung (Retention basin) in Sumingkir Village, Jeruklegi, Wednesday (06/07/2022).

Also in group, Deputy Chairperson of MPR RI Ahmad Basarah, along with a number of members of DPR RI. The group arrived in Cilacap at around 16.00 WIB and was greeted by Regent Tatto Suwarto Pamuji, together with Forkopimda of CIlacap Regency.

In his remarks, Regent Tatto Suwarto Pamuji hoped that existence of Embung Sumingkir could increase harvest rate to two to three times a year.

Considering water discharge in Blender River, which is source of water for reservoir, is quite large and continuous. In addition, existence of this reservoir is also useful for storing water as an effort to conserve water resources.

“As a food barn in Central Java, we (Cilacap Regency) always have a surplus of 500,000 tons every year. But not only here, in other places we also need reservoir for irrigating rice fields for food security,” said Tatto.

In addition to supporting food security, Tatto hopes that existence of this reservoir can be improved as a tourist spot for surrounding community.

“I asked Director General and Head of PSDA to make a jogging track. Because it turns out that Cilacap has become a matter of pride, every day many people come here,” he added.

The chairman of DPR RI, Puan Maharani, assessed that existence of Sumingkir Embung was very important for irrigation supply which would strengthen agricultural sector.

In addition, Puan agreed that existence of this reservoir can be useful for multi-sectors, especially in supporting development of tourism and local community’s economy.

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