Tuesday, 21 July 2020, This Information Weather in Banyumas Regional

heavy rain area map
heavy rain area map

BANYUMAS, Cilacap.info English – Information about weather forecasts may be of utmost importance for community. Especially at this time of season. It is known based on information from Meteorology Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), that dry season this year is wet. It means dry but sometimes there is rain.

Before that, you know Banyumas Regency, this regency has 27 Sub-districts that are delivered:

Ajibarang, Baturraden, Cilongok, Gumelar, Kalibagor, Karanglewas, Kebasen, Kedungbanteng, Kembaran, Kemranjen, Jatilawang, Lumbir, Patikraja, Pekuncen, Purwojati, Purwokerto, West Purwokerto, West Purwokerto South Purwokerto, East Purwokerto, North Purwokerto, Rawalo, Sokaraja, Somagede, Sumbang, Sumpiuh, Tambak, Wangon.

Like other regions, Banyumas Regency must have territories and boundaries. The boundary to north is Mount Slamet. Detail:

North Boundary: Tegal and Pemalang Regencies.

Eastern Boundary: Purbalingga, Kebumen and Banjarnegara Regencies.

South Boundary: Cilacap Regency Cilacap and Brebes Regencies.

Banyumas also has tourist destinations, here are Top 10 Destinations in Banyumas Regency:

Batu Raden, Rita Super Mall, Purbasari Pancuran Mas Educational Park, The Purwokerto Village, Alun Alun Fountain, Curu Telu, Baturaden Botanical Garden, Purbasari Great Aquarium Park, Great General Soedirman Mosque, and Ketenger Tourism Village.

Whereas for culinary in Banyumas is also very tempting on tongue, here are top 10 culinary in Banyumas Regency!

Soto Sokoraja, Waroeng Pisa, Soto Sutri, Soto H. Loso, Bakmi Gareng Banyumas, Surabaya Penyet Chicken, Pak Boss Duck Chicken, Seafod Bakar Seruni, Boulevard Boulevard, and D ‘Garden Hall and Resto.

Banyumas Weather Info

For weather information, based on from a trusted source page. namely BMKG (Climatology and Geophysics Meteorological Agency) for Regions in Kebumen Regency as follows:

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