Tuesday, 21 July 2020, This Information Weather in Banyumas Regional

heavy rain area map
heavy rain area map

1. At 4:00 a.m., cloudy clear weather with temperatures reaching 22 ° C with 95% humidity and wind speeds generally blowing 10 km / h from Southeast.

2. At 07:00 WIB Sunny Cloudy weather with temperatures reaching 25 ° C with 85% humidity and wind speeds generally blowing 10 km / h from East.

3. At 10:00 WIB Sunny Cloudy weather with temperatures reaching 28 ° C with 75% humidity and wind speeds generally blowing 10 km / h from East.

4. At 13:00 WIB weather is light rain with temperatures reaching 30 ° C with 65% humidity and wind speeds generally blowing 10 km / h from Southeast.

5. At 16:00 WIB light rain with temperatures reaching 26 ° C with 75% humidity and wind speeds generally blowing 10 km / h from Southeast.

6. At 17:00 WIB cloudy weather with temperatures reaching 26 ° C with 80% humidity and wind speeds generally blowing 10 km / h from Southeast.

7. At 22:00 IWST cloudy weather with temperatures reaching 26 ° C with 80% humidity and wind speeds generally blowing 20 km / h from East.

Thus information about Weather Forecast in Banyumas regional today, Tuesday (07/21/2020), Hopefully Helpful.

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