English – Sunday, February 19, 2023 it is estimated that height of sea waves in Southern Java Waters area will reach 4 meters.
For this reason, tourists who want to visit beaches in southern waters of Java are to be careful and always monitor latest high wave forecasts.
Updated Saturday (18/02) Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) through Tunggul Wulung Meteorological Station conveyed information regarding High Wave forecast from 18 February 2023 at 19.00 WIB to 20 February 2023 at 19.00 WIB.
Based on information from Head of BMKG Technician Group at Tunggul Wulung Cilacap Meteorological Station Teguh Wardoyo via Forecast Adnan Dendy Mardika that there is a potential for high waves of 1.3 – 4.0 meters which include:
* West Java (West Java)
– Sukabumi waters – Cianjur
– Garut Waters – Pangandaran
– South Indian Ocean West Java
* Central Java (Central Java)
-Cilacap Waters
– Kebumen waters – Purworejo
– South Indian Ocean Central Java
* DIY (Special Region of Yogyakarta)
-Yogyakarta waters
Synoptic conditions for waters and South Indian Ocean in West Java, Central Java, DIY are generally cloudy to thick cloudy.
Meanwhile, wave height up to 4.0 meters is a wave that is classified as high.
Speed The wind blows from South to Northwest with a speed of 2 – 20 knots.
For this reason, BMKG appealed to public, especially those who are active around waters or South Sea of Java, to be vigilant. Please note high risk to safety of cruise ship.
Fishing boat (wind speed more than 15 knots and wave height above 1.25 meters). Barges (wind speed more than 16 knots and wave height above 1.5 meters).
Winds over 21 knots and wave heights above 2.5 meters). Large Size Ships such as Cargo Ships / Cruise Ships (wind speeds of more than 12 knots and wave heights above 4.0 meters).
“I request people who live and work in surrounding coastal areas that were hit by high wave disasters to remain vigilant.” Weather Forecast Adnan Dendi Mardika said in Cilacap.
“Note that maximum swell can be up to twice potential High Surge mentioned above.” he concluded.