In Western Region still rely on Curug as Nature Tourism. Among famous waterfalls are Cimandaway waterfall in Dayeuhluhur sub-district and highest waterfall in district. Besides that there is Bandung Curug located in Wanareja Subdistrict, Manik Curug in Majenang Subdistrict. There are also Bukit Panorama Ketapang Indah and Cidayeuh Canyon in Dayeuhluhur, and Curug Geulis in Cipari.
Sea tourism is equally good, including Widarapayung Beach in Binangun, Jetis Beach in Nusawungu, Teluk Penyu Beach. Permisan Beach (Kopassus TNI Beach) which is near Nusakambangan Island, Sodong Beach, Kutawaru Coastal Beach and Pasir Putih Ranca Babakan Sea Village.
There is also Manganti Dam on border between Cilacap, Central Java and Ciamis, and City of Banjar, West Java. In addition there are Tali Asmoro Flower Park, Cemara Sewu Beach, Pendem Fortress, Gunung Selok, Srandil.
From famous culinary is Brekecek, Rempeyek Yutuk, Mendoan also be excellent not only in Banyumas.
Cilacap has 24 sub-districts including!
Adipala, Bantarsari, Binangun, South Cilacap, Central Cilacap, North Cilacap, Cimanggu, Cipari, Dayeuhluhur, Gandrungmangu, Jeruklegi, Kampung Laut, Karangpucung, Kawunganten, Kedungreja, Kesugihan, Kroya, Majenang, Maos Nusang, Pati, Kupang, Pati, Sidareja, Wanareja
For those of you who want to know latest weather conditions and forecasts today, Wednesday (05/08/2020), you can see them here.
This information is sourced from official website of Meteorological Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) so that this information is accurate.
Cilacap Weather Forecast
– At 04:00 WIB weather in Cilacap shows that it is cloudy with air temperature reaching 23 ° C with 90% humidity and Wind Speed of 30 km / hour East.
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