Harvest of fish and shrimp, Central Java Regional Police Reaches 5.4 Tons

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SEMARANG, Cilacap.info English">CILACAP.INFO – Thursday (9/7) Central Java Regional Police carried out a big harvest of various types of fish and shrimp cultivation with a total harvest of 5,400 kg or 5.4 tons. This harvest is an instruction from President Joko Widodo in context of National Police to support National Economy.

The Kingdom Harvest was attended by Central Java Regional Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, Regional Military Commander IV Diponegoro Maj. Gen. Bhakti Agus Fajari, Central Java Police Deputy Chief Brigadier General Abioso Seno Aji, Central Java Police PJU, Semarang Mayor Hendrar Prihadi, Ceo Pelindo III Semarang Ali Sodikin.

The Kingdom Harvest was held simultaneously in pond located beside Mako Ditpolairud Polda Central Java. The details of fish and prawns cultivated by Central Java Regional Police Ditpolairud ready for harvest this morning are first tilapia stocked on February 21 yesterday as many as 25,000 seeds, pond area reached 7,200 M. The yield of this tilapia fish reached 800 kg.

Followed by second, harvest of Shrimp Vaname stocked on March 9 yesterday as many as 100,000 tails, area of ​​ pond reached 2m x 4m. The yield of Vaname Shrimp reaches 100 kg.

Furthermore, third, grouper harvest was spread on March 6 yesterday as many as 200 individuals, area of ​​ pond reached 2m x 4m. The yield of this grouper reaches 100 kg.

The fourth great harvest is a type of milkfish, with land owned by Mr. Maskuri Kec. Sayung Stocked in January as many as 200,000 individuals, pool area reaches 1.6 hectares. The yield of this milkfish reaches 1,900 kg.

Next is harvest of catfish stocked on March 6 yesterday as many as 10,000 tails, pond area reaches 2m x 4m. The yield of this grouper reaches 1,700 kg.

“The Chief of Police has set us to make food security, especially livestock and fisheries sector, today we have harvested from a land area of ​​7,500 M2 of almost 5.4 tons where this planting is from Central Java Regional Police Ditpolairud whose harvest is managed by surrounding communities. As for seeds given by related agencies,” explained Central Java Police Chief, Quotes release Tribratanews.

In a different location, Central Java Regional Police Headquarters also harvested catfish in land owned by Mr. Sumarno, Tugurejo Village. Stocked on February 25 yesterday as many as 5,000 tails, pond area reaches 8m x 15 m. The yield of catfish reaches 500 kg.

Location of catfish farming that is ready for next harvest is in Arum Jaya Village with land owned by Mr. Kohari. Stocked on February 27 yesterday as many as 3,500 tails, pool area reaches 6 m x 4 m. The yield of catfish reaches 300 kg.

“I thank Central Java Police Chief that so far have provided various assistance ranging from basic food, masks and jackets for fishermen to sail to safety, also we are thankful to Central Java Regional Police Directorate General for distribution of catfish, tilapia and milkfish seeds,” said Lurah Bandarharjo Emi Setiana Estu Handayani.

“We represent people of Bandarharjo and Fisher Community, congratulating Bhayangkara on 74th day, hoping that National Police will be increasingly loved by community,” he continued.

Food security in Central Java Regional Police territory includes agriculture with an area of ​​8,294,140 billion and there are 3,809,348 trees of various types.

Furthermore, area of animal husbandry with an area of livestock reaching 521,645 M2 and there are 330,959 various types of livestock. There is also a labor-intensive field of 29 fish ponds with 67,000 catfish and tilapia seeds.

“I think this is a brilliant idea, one of steps taken by National Police to inspire community, in future food, energy and water issues will become a struggle for all of us, not only Indonesian people but world community, so far before we have to take anticipatory steps for example this fish farming, “Said Pangdam IV Diponegoro. (*)


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