Twitter Blue available in Indonesia, How Price in Rupiah?

ilustrasi twitter blue dan elon musk
ilustrasi twitter blue dan elon musk

JAKARTA, English – It seems that everyone can get a blue tick badge on Twitter now, by subscribing to a paid Twitter Blue.

Found on Saturday (11/02/2023) early morning on Twitter, you can see in menu to left of “Twitter Blue” button where subscription price is already visible.

Customers who want to get a blue tick badge on their Twitter account can immediately get a badge if phone number has been verified and approved.

For paid subscriptions, Twitter makes two choices, namely annual and monthly.

For paying Twitter Blue subscribers they will get All available Blue features, such as Edit Tweets, 1080p quality video uploads, Reader, custom navigation, Bookmark Folders, Featured Articles and more.

Show yourself at top of replies, mentions, and searches Tweets from verified users will be prioritized, in fight against scams and spam.

Ads halved. See 50% less ads on home timeline.

Post longer videos and you’ll be able to post longer videos on Twitter.

Get early access to certain new features with Twitter Blue Lab.

According to Twitter, Annual Package Fee in Rupiah is more economical, and Twitter costs IDR 104,167 / month or IDR 1,250,000 per year. And billed annually.

Meanwhile, regarding Monthly Package, which is IDR 120,000 / month or IDR 1,440,000 per year, and is billed monthly.

Regarding paying for a Twitter Blue subscription, users must have a Credit Card or Visa.

Not only that, after Platform with Blue Bird Logo was acquired by Tesla CEO, Elon Musk, it seems that many systems on platform will now be overhauled.

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