High-Risk Prison Karanganyar Nusakambangan Recovers Drug Addicts with Paracetamol

high risk prison karanganyar nusakambangan recovers drug addicts with paracetamol
high risk prison karanganyar nusakambangan recovers drug addicts with paracetamol

NUSAKAMBANGAN, Cilacap.info English – An officer of High Rish Karanganyar Nusakambangan Prison has done something quite interesting regarding handling of drug addicts inmates.

The super maximum security prison at western tip of island of Nusakambangan is known as a super tight prison using high technology in carrying out security and supervision of inmates.

The categories of convicts in this prison are high-risk/high-rish convicts, both convicts of terrorism cases, drug dealers and other serious crimes categories from prisons/detention centers throughout Indonesia.

In handling convicts in category of drug dealers, it is not uncommon for drug dealer convicts to be active users and heavy users of drugs.

Head of High Rish Karanganyar Nusakambangan Headquarters, I Putu Murdiana stated that when they were admitted to prison, they (inmates) were first tested for urine using 6 in 1 drug abuse test parameter and results were that many of them were positive for drugs with parameters 1 to 4.

“Because they are active drug users, usually in a few days in cell room, they must be exhausted because they can’t take anymore,” said Putu.

To overcome this incident, his party took quick treatment by doctors and prison medics so that they could provide assistance to save their lives.

Section Head of Karanganyar Prison Bindik, Dr. Sudiro, who also doubles as a prison doctor, stated that for treatment of new WBP who is +/ positive for a narcotic psychotropic urine test, one or more parameters, initial medical therapy will be carried out using tramadol and counseling accompanied by close monitoring.

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