WASHINGTON, CILACAP.INFO – Citizen in United States (US) congratulate independence day july 4th.
It is known, July 4 is independence day of United States, that why residents there say “Happy Independence day”.
Story about Independence day. So, all countries also welcome Independence Day every year. Not only America, Indonesia, too, will welcome Independence Day on August 17th.
Even independence day in Indonesia is festive, not only in cities but also in villages.
The enthusiasm of Indonesians in welcoming Independence Day in village is not inferior to that in big cities.
Even before 17th, residents in village were busy putting up red and white flags in front of their homes. That certainly is an award, because Indonesia independence was passed through a long process.
In Indonesia, especially in villages, 17 August will be celebrated with various competitions and activities both for children and adults.
The children were very happy to join competition with other friends.
While race that is held for adults usually tests adrenaline, such as climbing Peng Pinang.
This has become a tradition since a few years ago Indonesia was independen.
Even in Cilacap, Central Java, there is also a boat racing competition.