WordPress Will Kick Out User, If Use this Platform to Promotion any Hosting, Template, and Plugins

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So official WordPress plugin blog, official blog theme, official blog of market or store (with themes, plugins, etc.), official blog hosting, other official service blog, etc. Regardless of whether they sell something or not, it is not allowed. This is why word commercial is wrapped in quotes.

This is in accordance with practice of HelpHub (end user documentation) for which no plugins, themes, hosting etc. will not be promoted or recommended. At HelpHub we only document what is at core or will be core.

The same thing applies here. If this website is dedicated to certain WordPress products (free or not), it is not allowed. These sites usually have product names in domain name but we will not limit criteria there. I am sure some cases will be unique and decisions must be made specifically for that.

The point is: we haven’t found best way to deal fairly with blogs or commercial sites and thus our focus is on links that don’t go into gray zone. We hope to finally discuss how we can safely enter commercial blog links (if this is possible).

Now it clear

We need to determine what is not a “commercial” website but also does not go into a personal blog, which can be permitted. For example, Stack Overflow or any Stack Exchange website. This is actually not a non-commercial website but is completely neutral to display on WordPress.org. This is not to say that being “neutral” in this case is a requirement but merely indicating that they are not interested in trying to abuse opportunity to get their links appear on wp.org.

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