Entering New Normal in Sulawesi, Pertamina Keep Supply Safe

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MAKASSAR, Cilacap.info English">CILACAP.INFO – A few weeks after start of New Normal Era in Sulawesi, PT Pertamina (Persero) through Marketing Operation Region (MOR) VII ensured that supply and distribution of fuel oil (BBM) remained safe. Measures to safeguard stock and increase distribution reliability are carried out to anticipate future increases in fuel consumption.

Fuel stock for Sulawesi region is currently more than 14 days old. Pertamina MOR VII Communication & CSR Unit Manager, Hatim Ilwan, said that in general fuel consumption in Sulawesi has not returned to normal. “The calculation is taken from average channeling during January to February 2020 compared to average distribution during New Normal era, which began in June,” he said.

Until end of June, average consumption of all-product BBM, both Public Service Obligation (PSO) and non-PSO in Sulawesi, decreased by 15%, from 9,517 Kilo Liters / day to 8092 KL / day. Gasoline products (Premium, Pertalite, Pertamax and Pertamax Turbo) experienced a significant decrease, from 7,041 KL / day to 5,833 KL / day or by 17%. Whereas Gasoil products (Solar, Pertamina Dex, and Dexlite) decreased by 9%, from 2,319 KL / day to 2,105 KL / day.

Although not yet back to normal, South Sulawesi is still province with largest fuel consumption of 2,676 KL / day for Gasoline and 1,118 KL / day for Gasoil. “The consumption of South Sulawesi is about half consumption of all of Sulawesi,” Hatim said. Then followed by Central Sulawesi with Gasoline consumption as much as 948 KL / day and Gasoil as much as 306 / KL / day.

For North Sulawesi, amount of Gasoline consumption per day is 836 KL and Gasoil is 203 KL. While Southeast Sulawesi recorded Gasoline consumption of 718 KL / day and Gasoil of 250 KL / day.

The increase in Gasoil consumption specifically occurred in West Sulawesi and Gorontalo, respectively by 7% and 6%. The total consumption of West Sulawesi Gasoil is 134 KL / day while Gorontalo is 92 KL / day. For Gasoline, West Sulawesi recorded consumption of 312 KL / day and Gorontalo of 341 KL / day.

Looking at current trends, Hatim predicts that there will be an increase in fuel consumption in next few months. “Along with increasing activity of community, we predict fuel consumption will also increase,” he continued.

Increasing fuel consumption, Hatim ensures it will be accompanied by Pertamina efforts to continue to improve fuel services and supplies. “We make sure supply is maintained,” he concluded.

Hatim also appealed to community to remain wise in use of BBM for daily activities. “The public can also play an active role in overseeing distribution and use of fuel by reporting if there is fraud to Pertamina 135 Call Center,” closed Hatim. **

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