English">CILACAP.INFO – – The National Search and Rescue Office of Cilacap has again received information on dangerous condition of two workers who were reportedly buried under debris while draining a well.
This incident occurred in Pasir Garu Hamlet, RT 02 RW 05, Bojongsari Village, Kedungreja District, Cilacap Regency, Central Java. Sunday (31/07/2022).
The head of Cilacap Search and Rescue Office, Adah Sudarsa, said. That this information was first received by picket team from Sugeng (UPT BPBD Sidareja) on Sunday (31/07) at around 18.30 WIB.
After learning about incident, Cilacap Basarnas immediately dispatched a team along with complete equipment.
Such as 1 set of blowers, SCBA, vertical rescue tools, Tripod and Alkom headed to scene.
“The incident began on Sunday afternoon where at that time victim was draining well using a machine, 1 person in well was then buried under rubble of earthen wall, knowing that one of his colleagues was buried, one victim immediately helped with a weak condition due to presence of toxic gas and was not strong enough to be buried inside. a well with a depth of 12 meters.” Said Adah Sudarsa.
Of two victims, namely Darim (55) a resident of Talang Banteng Hamlet RT 14 RW 2 Ampah Village and Tusiman (40) a resident of Talang Banteng Hamlet, Sidaraayu Village, Purwadadi District, Ciamis Regency, West Java.
It is planned that Cilacap Basarnas will coordinate with related parties at scene to plan evacuation activities.
“If conditions allow for an evacuation at night, we will do it but if not we will wait for tomorrow.” Adah said.
Furthermore, because conditions allowed for evacuation of victims, SAR team finally decided to evacuate two victims.
“The two victims were successfully evacuated, first on Sunday night at 21.30 WIB victim named Darim, then followed by evacuation of second victim, namely Tusiman Monday, August 1, 2022 in early hours of morning and both were already dead. Then both were taken to funeral home to Purwadadi, Ciamis.” Sudarsa concluded.