1 Year 2 Times Website Deindex Bing, Why?

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I feel our Website has no problem with Robots.txt and no problem with Robots Meta Tags.

Before Bing announced at Bing Webmasters for sites to add Lastmod to Sitemap, we had this implemented before Bing announced it as well.

We also use IndexNow Plugins to submit new articles and add a Sitemap to Robots.txt.

We feel we comply with Bing’s Quality Guidelines and always add a website to refer to when we cite it.

Our website is always up to date, even if 1-2 days there are no new articles, they should not be removed from search index.

Because there are many websites that appear in searches and only load 1 article in one week or even 1 month. Then a website that doesn’t pay attention to Structure Schema and an error occurs is still indexed, this is strange and very strange in our opinion.

Please note that our website is not a Spam website, Cilacap.info has been online for 3 years and 7 months.

Not only that, besides paying attention to SEO principles, we also make articles that are useful for many people.

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